Adolescent Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

SCARF’s ASAP goal is to assess, educate, treat and achieve a long-lasting sobriety for every patient.

If desired and authorized by client/parent, our trained staff provides monthly progress notes and/or attendance records to identify agency personnel.

Assessment & Counseling

ASAP provides outpatient addiction services through assessment and counseling to children and adolescents who are at risk of having involvement with alcohol or drugs, or those who have tested positive for substance.

Group & Individual counseling

The ASAP consists of both group and individual counseling within our office and individual therapy within patients’ homes or schools.

Targeted Case Management Services

SCARF’s mental health targeted case management services provide goal-oriented and individualized support to children birth through 17 years old.

The purpose of our mental health targeted case management services is to assist children in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.

Conduct a thorough assessment

All of SCARF’s targeted case managers are trained to conduct a thorough assessment that includes a child’s emotional, social, behavioral, and developmental functioning within the home, school, work, and community.

Develop an Individualized Service Plan

Based on the client’s assessment, our targeted case manager will develop an Individualized Service Plan, link each client with other community providers or resources, and monitor the goals set forth in the child’s Individuated Service Plan.

Children Medical Outpatient Services

SCARF providers are licensed providers with Florida’s Children Medical Services (CMS). SCARF CMS providers conduct assessments and mental health outpatient counseling for CMS clients ages 5 years old to 18 years old.

SCARF clinical services to children with medically complex conditions take place in various settings and are not exclusive programs that serve only this particular population.

We encourage you to look at the specific behavioral health and educational services that SCARF provides. If relevant, feel free to make a referral for services by clicking on the “Referral for Services” button on the right.

Youth In Transition

According to statistics, “Most youth who leave the foster care system do not receive adequate preparation and support for their transition to independent living. Compared to other youth, foster youth are more likely to experience homelessness, incarceration, unemployment, and a lack of essential skills. They are also more likely to face physical, developmental, behavioral, and mental health challenges” (NGA Center for Best Practices.

Our Youth in Transition program offers life skills training, education, and comprehensive assistance to youth aged 13 to 23 who have been in foster care or are transitioning from the foster care system.

Our transition to independence program includes a thorough assessment to better understand the needs and strengths of youth.

School-Based Services

Our school-based services are designed to support children attending Osceola County Public Schools who would benefit most from receiving therapy within the school environment. These services cater to those who require coordination and planning with school personnel and those who may not engage in traditional outpatient services otherwise.

Wraparound Services (WA)

Our Wraparound Services aim to redevelop the problem-solving skills, coping abilities, and self-efficacy of young people and their family members. We place a strong emphasis on integrating youth into the community and strengthening the family’s social support network.